Physiotherapy appointments:
Physiotherapy appointments:
The postnatal check you deserve.
A Mummy MOT is a specialist postnatal examination for women following both vaginal and C-section deliveries. It will assess how your posture, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after childbirth. You will be provided with gentle exercises and treatment to help with your recovery – and get you back on track with your fitness goals.
The significant hormonal changes that occur in the body at this point can cause profound changes in a women’s health and lead to some fairly miserable side effects including;
I aim to help to support you to combat these symptoms. We can work together to ensure you are as prepared as possible before you hit the menopause, and progress through this stage in life feeling tip top!
Pelvic floor associated symptoms are very common but can be treated and prevented.
Your growing baby changes your centre of gravity which will affect your posture. Physiotherapy can guide you to exercise safely during pregnancy, help manage any back, groin or hip pain and help you prepare for birth. This is suitable for women with symptoms as above, or for women who want a check-up with advice and preventative information.